
ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Phillips Tube Group’s Quality Management System is designed to ensure conformance to customer requirements, while focusing on process-based improvements that allow our customers to increase efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction. We hold a registration certificate from 3rd party registrar SRI for ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001:2015 (Certificate 019170, Registration 3271-01).

Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Certification

WBENC provides and manages the development, enforcement and implementation of its gold standard of certification, which is nationally accepted by thousands of major corporations and a select group of government entities. WBENC certification is a rigorous, multi-faceted business application and review process that is conducted by a trained certification review committee to ensure that women-owned businesses applying for certification are 51 percent owned, operated and controlled by a woman or group of women.

This stipulation is a requirement on which WBENC was founded as a key service to Corporate Members interested in doing business with women owned businesses. Phillips Tube Group achieved its WBENC certification in 2010.